Category Archives: Story

What Made the Thai Government Legalize Kratom in Thailand?

Kratom is a tropical medicinal plant native to Southeast Asia that belongs to the Rubiaceae[Read More]

Kratom in Malaysia: History, Usage, and Legality

Kratom (Latin name: Mitragyna Speciosa) is a Southeast Asian native medicinal herb. In Europe and[Read More]

Everything About Elephant Kratom And Its Strong Effect

Kratom comes in a variety of strains that differ from one another. A handful of[Read More]

Kratom Can Help People Recover from Drug Addiction

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to adopting Kratom as a drug addiction treatment. Despite[Read More]

Six Remarkable Benefits of Kratom for Women

Born as women means you will feel some certain pain and discomfort simply because you[Read More]

Is Kratom Legal in Germany Now? 2022 Update

Kratom has surged in popularity in the United States and Europe in recent years (ex[Read More]

Is Kratom Leaf Better Than Powder? (2022 Update)

Mitragyna Speciosa, or Kratom as it is more commonly known, is a Rubbeaica family tree/herb.[Read More]

The Best Kratom Strains to Fight Depression

Have you been depressed for a long time and do not know what to do[Read More]

Is Kratom an Opiate? An in-Depth Analysis of the Herb

Is There a Difference Between Kratom High and Opiates High? A lot of people must[Read More]

The Best Kratom Dosage for Energy Enhancement

According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, one out of every five persons is always[Read More]